AJ Daily

12-29-23 Office closure New Year's Day; Association Perspective: navigating Angus bull prices; Angus University webinar: Balancing the Consumer and the Cow; Raised with Respect cattle care campaign launched this fall

12-29-23 AJ Daily

Office Closure
Adapted from a release by Angus Media

Association Perspective: Navigating Angus Bull Prices
Adapted from an article by Jeff Mafi, American Angus Association

Angus University Webinar: Balancing the Consumer and the Cow
Adapted from a release by Sarah Kocher, American Angus Association

Raised With Respect Cattle Care Campaign Launched This Fall
Adapted from a release by Lindsay Runft, Certified Angus Beef

Compiled by Paige Nelson, field editor, Angus Journal.  For more Angus news, visit angusjournal.net.